Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cupboard of Cold gets Coloured

The life of the unemployed is pretty dam hard I must say, going to sleep never before 2am and waking up after 11am everyday... With 3 of the 4 tenants unemployed life is lookin up. Ellen is off gallivanting and making out with people in Melbourne. Tamika and Ash go crazy in the warehouse creating gardens, benches, screen prints, art works and most importantly the crazy fridge!; All with help from CSs n HelpX of course. Joao works like a good boy to bring home the bacon (now that the vegans are gone). So plans are coming along and the place is moving forward in a really good way, more and more is getting done to make life easier to live.

Who woulda thought being unemployed and restless while it rains (all the grass seeds away might I add) that we’d have so much fun around the house. Minus the whole getting ahead in the money situation we’re doing pretty well.

Now for the most important part of this blog...

The fridge! My new small business plan... hahah ok so I was paining a “white” board for a notice board and shortly after opening the tin my eyes deceived me and the paint was blue, a lovely blue bad defiantly now white- thanks a lot there Dulux. So I painted the board anyway with a roller and it worked out sweet! But with so much paint left over in the roller paint holder thingy it seemed such a waste to not paint something and id already closed the tin back up and couldn’t be bothered opening it again.

Asking Mamma Ash about 100 times wielding a paint roller, “Can I paint this?” “No” “Can I paint this?” “No” “Can I paint this?” “No” “Can I paint this?” “No” “Well can I paint the fridge then?” finally the fun sucker that is Ash said “yes” stoked as I began painting...

Then the idea started storming in my head, we could make it retro with powder blue and pink, or draw clouds, or the ocean, we could make it into a television, or add glitter... No no no there all lovely ideas but way cooler (excuse the pun) is as fridge that eats you! And so became the amazing new fridge...

The blue layer first, then the mouth was pretty tricky with my impatiens of not wanting to wait for the paint to dry colours got mixed but its all sweet. The eyes we had to sacrifice a sexy fireman plate but its all worth it and the other eye is an old washing machine circle I picked up one night whilst walking home drunk... it does oright ey...

I think Blue is become a kind of theme for us...

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